移除自動隨Windows開啟的程式設定 - StartupRun,單一的程式介面讓你一目了然,哪些程式會隨著開機而自動啟動列的一清二楚,輕鬆修改、禁用、新增自動啟動部份的登錄檔,還可以把清單另存成 HTML 檔。(阿榮)
官方網站:Nir Sofer
The StartupRun utility displays the list of all applications that are loaded automatically when Windows boots. For each application, additional information is displayed (Product Name, File Version, Description, and Company Name), in order to allow you to easily identify the applications that are loaded at Windows startup. if StartupRun identifies a spyware or adware program that runs at startup, it automatically paints it in pink color. In addition, you are allowed to Edit, disable, enable and delete the selected startup entries. You can also save the list of startup items into a text or html files, and even add a new startup entry to the Registry.