Mortens HostAlive - 測試主機是否存活的工具,這是一套難得的免費軟體,一般這種軟體都是試用版居多,它可以透過Ping檢測主機是否存活,可以設定自動檢查的頻率,設定發出斷線通知的郵件。(阿榮)(圖)(下載)
官方網站:Martin Halle
-Mortens HostAlive- is a multi-ping tool to easily check the online status of computers in a TCP/IP network. Therefore it pings those hosts in a (configurable) time interval. Furthermore -Mortens HostAlive- can scan TCP service ports for active (running) web-services.The setup is quite easy: Add the hosts you want to watch to a list (IP-addresses and domain names are supported). Set-up a ping time interval and -Mortens HostAlive- will report you the online-status (ping answer and connect results to ports). On a configurable status (broken/alive/changed) Mortens HostAlive allows (cyclic) exports of a report as a HTML- or CSV-file, sending an email report or simply showing a message and/or playing a sound.The history of pings for a host can be viewed in a chart in different views next to some statistical analysis.
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