免費啟動管理程式 – Startup Control Panel,會伴隨著Windows開機而開啟的程式通常是寫入登錄檔,這個小工具幫你迅速找出要修改的項目,編輯、禁用、刪除與自動啟動(Startup)相關的系統登錄檔,也可以使用右鍵選單的「New」功能,來新增自動啟動的項目。(阿榮)(下載)
官方網站:Mike Lin
系統需求:Windows 10/8.x/7/Vista/XP(32及64位元)
Startup Control Panel is a nifty control panel applet that allows you to easily configure which programs run when your computer starts. It's simple to use and, like all my programs, it's very small and won't burden your system. A valuable tool for system administrators!
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