快速檢視Windows更新項目 - WinUpdatesView,Windows在什麼時候安裝了哪些微軟更新項目?打開這個程式一目了然,清楚列出標題、描述、安裝日期、更新作業、更新結果...等等,還可以顯示該更新項目的網址(資訊URL),以供詳細更新項目的查詢。(阿榮)
下載連結→ https://www.azofreeware.com/p/winupdatesview.html
官方網站:Nir Sofer
WinUpdatesView - Windows Updates History Viewer. WinUpdatesView is a simple tool that displays the history of Windows updates on your system. WinUpdatesView can load the Windows updates history from your local system, using API, and it can also read and parse the Windows updates database file (DataStore.edb) from external drive or from remote computer on your network. For every Windows update history record, WinUpdatesView displays the following fields: Title, Description, Install Date, Update Operation (Install, Uninstall, Not Started, In Progress), Operation Result (Succeeded, Succeeded With Errors, Failed, Aborted), Category, Information URL, Support URL, Uninstall Notes, Client Application ID, Service ID, Update ID, Revision Number, Unmapped Result Code, Server Selection, hResult.