檔案及網路型密碼破解工具 - ElcomSoft Distributed Password Recovery (EDPR),用來還原各式各樣的檔案密碼或網路密碼,是司法及政府機構、資料及密碼還原服務業、公司用戶的高科技解決方案,使用獨特的圖形處理器加速技術,以最快的速度破解密碼,支援Office檔案、OpenDocument檔案、ZIP及RAR壓縮檔、Adobe PDF檔、PGP硬碟或檔案解密、個人安全認證、Exchange Key、MD5 hash、Oracle密碼、Windows或UNIX登入密碼...等等數百種檔案的密碼取得。(阿榮)
下載連結→ https://www.azofreeware.com/p/elcomsoft-distributed-password-recovery.html
關鍵字:edpr, 破解md5, 破解pgp
The Elcomsoft Distributed Password Recovery™ is designed for distributed recovery of forgotten or lost passwords of different documents. It’s a high-end solution for forensic and government agencies, data recovery and password recovery services and corporate users with multiple networked workstations connected over a LAN or the Internet. Featuring unique GPU acceleration technologies and providing linear scalability with no overhead, Elcomsoft Distributed Password Recovery offers the fastest password recovery by a huge margin, and is the most technologically advanced password recovery product currently available.
Elcomsoft Distributed Password Recovery™ supports a variety of applications and file formats, allowing password recovery from Office documents, Adobe PDF files, PGP disks and archives, personal security certificates and exchange keys, MD5 hashes and Oracle passwords, Windows and UNIX login passwords.
Supports: all versions of Microsoft Office, OpenOffice, ZIP/RAR/RAR5, PDF, BitLocker/PGP/TrueCrypt. Over 500 formats supported.