簡單快速的影片切割軟體 - Adoreshare CutoMe(舊稱:Quick Video Cutter),開啟要剪裁的影片(Open),用拖拉的方式指定要剪下的影片起點跟終點,按下切割按鈕(Cut)就可以將指定的區塊剪下輸出,支援常見的WMV、MKV、AVI、FLV、MPG、MTS、MOV副檔名,以及大多數的影片檔,具有影片預覽功能,快速剪下不需要重新轉檔。(阿榮福利味)
下載連結→ https://www.azofreeware.com/p/adoreshare-cutome.html
官方網站:Adoreshare Co.,Ltd.
關鍵字:AdoreshareQuickVideoCutter, Adoreshare Quick Video Cutter for Mac, Adoreshare Quick Video Cutter
Adoreshare CutoMe(Quick Video Cutter) - Easily cut any formats videos/movies into small piece video including WMV, MKV, AVI, FLV, MPG, MTS, MOV, etc. Cut Any Video Clip as You Want:
-Trim large bunch of movies, videos and camera recordings into small piece files
-Cut out mistaken/blank/unnecessary content from the videos.
-Quickly cut video with Direct Stream Copy Technology - no re-encoding process.
-Preview the clipped video in Real-time