迷你防火牆軟體 - TinyWall,整合Windows內建的進階防火牆功能,輕鬆建立並使用黑名單或白名單,透過連接埠黑名單主動阻擋惡意軟體,可以防止惡意軟體修改防火牆設定,可以即時查看應用程式及連接埠資訊,可以設定密碼保護避免設定被使用者更改,雖然是小軟體,但功能卻相當精實。初次使用可以設定為自動學習模式(Autolearn),便會自動將學習模式期間使用的應用程式加入白名單,等數天之後再切換為普通保護模式(Normal protection),不過為了使用方便性,其防火牆阻擋網路連線時並不會顯示通知,因此,若有發現正常使用狀況下卻無法連接網路,建議暫時再切回自動學習模式。(阿榮福利味)
下載連結→ https://www.azofreeware.com/p/tinywall.html
官方網站:Károly Pados
系統需求:Windows(.NET Framework 3.5 SP1+)
關鍵字:tiny wall, tiny firewall, tinyfirewall
TinyWall is a free software to harden and control the advanced firewall built into modern Windows systems.
- Multiple and easy ways to whitelist programs
- Automatic learning mode
- Firewall tampering protection
- Password lockdown of settings
- Quick modes, like Normal protection, Allow outgoing, Block all, Allow all and Learning mode
- Support for temporary/timed firewall rules
- Port and domain blocklists
- Hosts file protection
- Option to always allow communication within LAN
- Option to restrict an application to the LAN
- Recognition of safe software and impostors
- Full IPv6 support
- List established and blocked connections
- View open ports on your machine