開啟HEIC副檔名的照片 - CopyTrans HEIC for Windows,2017年iPhone及蘋果設備開始採用HEIC格式的照片,安裝這個解碼軟體,能夠讓你使用檔案總管或Windows內建的檢視工具,預覽、開啟、列印HEIC格式的照片,也能夠讓原本不支援的軟體支援HEIC圖檔開啟(例如:FastStone Image Viewer 或 IrfanView)。(阿榮)
下載連結→ https://www.azofreeware.com/p/copytrans-heic-for-windows.html
關鍵字:CopyTransHEICforWindows, copytransheic, 取代HEIF Image Extensions
With CopyTrans HEIC, you can preview and browse HEIC images through Windows Explorer. You don’t have to run any additional software! Browse your photos or send them to print – all without converting to JPEG. Additionally, CopyTrans HEIC may help some other image viewers, such as FastStone Image Viewer or IrfanView, to recognize HEIC files. If you need your photos in JPEG anyway, CopyTrans HEIC will gladly convert them, preserving the date taken, geolocation and more. No need to launch anything – just right-click on the images and choose to convert!