網路搜尋引擎搜尋工具 - Websearch Launcher,一鍵搜尋各種不同搜尋引擎,先選取或複製你要搜尋的關鍵字,直接按下你要搜尋的引擎或網址,就會自動代入關鍵字及參數,可以搜尋Google及各式搜尋引擎,自訂搜尋屬性、結果數量、時間範圍,還可以搜尋影音網站、整合檢索、百科全書、軟體網站,以及,點選Google翻譯等多個文字翻譯網站直接進行翻譯。(阿榮)
下載連結→ https://www.azofreeware.com/p/websearch-launcher.html
官方網站:Amold Burg
關鍵字:WebsearchLauncherPortable, WebsearchLauncher
Websearch Launcher To Search The Internet With Different Search Engines. You only need on time to select text in websites or programs and then you can choose a search engine button that you like click it with your mouse or touch device and the Search Results will be done, you can repeat it without to must have to select the same text again with this method you can compare it and choose the best search results but there is more you can do translations compare it and choose the best translations.