定時提醒眼睛休息的護眼軟體 - EyeLoveU(護眼精靈),除了可以定時出現提醒訊息,告訴你眼睛該休息了之外,還可以讓家長用來管制小孩使用電腦的時間,設定使用多久要休息多久,或者設定多個定時休息時間,時間一到會出現一個畫面遮蔽一半以上的螢幕,達到強迫使用者休息的目的,也可以設定密碼保護程式的設定。(阿榮)
下載連結→ https://www.azofreeware.com/p/eyeloveu.html
關鍵字:EyeLoveyou, Eye Love U, elu
EyeLoveU is a free software which can help you care for the eyes. It will remind you when it's time to have a break while using the computer. EyeLoveU is a smart one-of-a-kind eye-care program, based on accurately monitoring your mouse and keyboard action, to determine how long you have been using the computer. Therefore, EyeLoveU is the most useful tool for every computer user, or for the parent who wants to prevent their children from continuously staring at the computer monitor for too long.