文件粉碎機 - Moo0 FileShredder,檔案就算是從資源回收筒刪除了,還是有機會被還原,除非你使用此類檔案粉碎工具,採用多次覆寫的原理,讓敏感檔案不被使用還原軟體來還原。(阿榮)
下載連結→ https://www.azofreeware.com/p/moo0-fileshredder.html
關鍵字:Moo0 File Shredder
Moo0 File Shredder lets you easily erase your private / secret files perfectly off your HDD. This kind of tool is "must have", since all of your private data is usually recoverable by anybody even after you delete it. This program is made very easy to use, and you just need to drag and drop your private files / folders onto the window. It currently supports 4 levels of erasing methods depending on how important the file deletion is to you.