整合自動語音識別功能的TTS文字轉語音軟體 - DSpeech,能夠朗讀文字並基於使用者的語音選擇要發音的句子,可以監控剪貼簿內容、可以閱讀SRT格式的影片字幕並同步播放(支援VLC),可以將中英文的朗讀內容轉存為下列音樂檔:WAV、MP3、AAC、AC3、WMA、OGG、OPUS。(阿榮)
下載連結→ https://www.azofreeware.com/p/dspeech.html
官方網站:Dimio's Software
DSpeech is a TTS (Text To Speech) program with functionality of ASR (Automatic Speech Recognition) integrated. It is able to to read aloud the written text and choose the sentences to be pronounced based upon the vocal answers of the user. It is specifically designed to quickly and directly provide the functions and improved practical usefulness that are requested by this kind of program. In the meantime, the invasiveness and resource consumption is minimal.