專業程式碼編輯工具 - Source Insight,被廣泛使用於大型程式設計專案,內建C/C++、C#、Java、Objective-C程式語言動態分析工具,特色有:幫助你看懂現有程式碼庫(Code Base)、快速巡覽函式呼叫及呼叫端、近乎即時的尋找函式或變數的參考、檢視呼叫圖及類別層次結構圖、不用開啟檔案就可以預覽函式及類別定義、以語法格式檢視變數即時參照及其他宣告、動態資訊面板幫你建立高效率的工作流程,強大的編輯功能包含程式碼片段、符號自動完成、智慧重新命名。(阿榮)
下載連結→ https://www.azofreeware.com/p/source-insight.html
官方網站:Source Dynamics
Source Insight was designed for large, demanding, real world programming projects. In fact, Source Insight is being used today by important technology companies to develop some of the largest and most successful commercial hardware and software products.
- Helps to understand an existing code base.
- Quickly navigate function calls and callers.
- Find references to functions, variables, and more - almost instantly.
- See call graphs and class tree diagrams.
- Preview function and class definitions without having to open a file.
- See live references to variables and other declarations with Syntax Formatting.
- Powerful editing features, including code snippets, symbolic auto-completion, and smart-rename.
- Dynamic information panels work together to create a productive workflow.