迷你檔案下載器 - Integrity Downloader,即時監控剪貼簿內容,自動將直接下載連結複製於網址列,可以一次下載多個檔案,每個下載會新開一個下載小視窗,可以直接複製檔案資訊,內含檔名、本機儲存路徑、檔案大小、最後更新時間、檔案校驗碼(支援MD5、SHA1、SHA256)、下載網址等資訊。(阿榮)(下載)
系統需求:Windows 10/8.x/7/Vista/XP(32及64位元)
關鍵字:IntegrityDownloader, integritydl.exe
Integrity Downloader is a versatile Internet-based file downloader program which emphasizes security aspects. With this program you can query important information about the file before downloading it. The process of file download can be followed visually as well. After downloading the file, it automatically creates the checksum for the given file, which enables file integrity checking.
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