免費檔案加解密工具 - FinalCrypt,使用一次性密碼本(One Time Pad,縮寫為OTP)加密演算法,是以隨機的密鑰組成明文且只使用一次,所以是公認最難被破解的演算法;使用本軟體要先在右邊窗格建立或選擇金鑰(Key),手動建立金鑰建議跟要加密的檔案一樣大小,或者你可以選擇圖片、照片、影片當成金鑰,並可選擇是否設定金鑰的密碼;再來就是在左邊窗格單選或複選要加密的檔案,檔案就會被加密為BIT檔(*.bit),解密方式則依以上步驟反向操作即可。(阿榮)(下載)
官方網站:Ron de Jong
系統需求:Windows 10/8.x/7/Vista/XP(32及64位元)
關鍵字:FinalCryptPortable, Final Crypt
FinalCrypt uses symmetric One Time Pad Encryption which is known as the most unbreakable encryption in existence. FinalCrypt's large true random "One Time Pad" (FIPS140-2 & RFC4086 compliant) Keys are mathematically unbreakable. The Shor's algorithm has proven that all asymmetric encryption will instantly be broken by Quantum Computers (or simulators).
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