待辦清單軟體 - Efficient To-Do List,專為電腦與手機所設計的任務管理軟體,好的開始是成功的一半,它幫你記住每一件重要的待辦事項,可以針對任務設定優先順序、開始時間、截止時間、插入附件、以群組分類、設定重複週期...等等,並可以與手機版同步,或者使用網路版與多台電腦同步。(阿榮福利味)
下載連結→ https://www.azofreeware.com/p/efficient-to-do-list.html
官方網站:Efficient Software
關鍵字:Efficient ToDo List,Efficient ToDoList, efficienttodolist, Efficient To-Do List Network
Efficient To-Do List is designed for task management on PCs and mobile phones by GTD concept. It makes every effort to assist you in following the "First Things First" principle. Well begun is half done. It supports over 30 languages and has been sold to more than 100 countries. So, believe your choice and your life will be more wonderful with Efficient To-Do List.