內建防火牆的安全防護軟體 - Emsisoft Internet Security,因為成功阻擋並刪除WannaCry勒索病毒而倍受重視!比「Emsisoft Anti-Malware」多了防火牆功能,採用獨特的雙引擎掃描技術,不僅能夠掃描已存在的惡意軟體及網頁綁架,更能夠即時阻勒索軟體、木馬程式、後門程式,清除瀏覽器首頁綁架、工具列...等等。(阿榮)(下載)
關鍵字:EmsisoftInternetSecurity, eis
Emsisoft Internet Security - With firewall, to reduce visible surface for attacks. Emsisoft Internet Security distinguishes between public and private networks. While strangers on the Internet should not be allowed to access your networking features, someone trusted in your private home- or office-network should be allowed to. Configuration is easy and straightforward. That dozen of rules displayed to the left represent the default settings, which are best for almost all users. The software works out of the box and doesn’t require you to be a networking specialist.
阿榮實測WanaCrypt0r 2.0勒索病毒樣本,病毒解壓縮後不久,就被「Emsisoft Anti-Malware」偵測到並且隔離了!請看影片說故事:
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安裝版 [2017.7.0.7838] [更多舊版]