圖片大量編輯轉檔軟體 - FastStone Photo Resizer,是「FastStone Image Viewer」中所內建的「批次圖像轉檔更名」工具,只是單獨發行之後少了中文語系,可以匯入多個圖片,同時進行多項工作,例如:調整大小、旋轉、裁切、變更色彩品質、加入浮水印...等等,再一次匯出到指定資料夾。(阿榮)
下載連結→ https://www.azofreeware.com/p/faststone-photo-resizer.html
官方網站:FastStone Soft
關鍵字:FSResizer, FSResizerPortable, FastStonePhotoResizer
FastStone Photo Resizer is an image converter and renaming tool that intends to enable users to convert, rename, resize, crop, rotate, change color depth, add text and watermarks to images in a quick and easy batch mode. Drag and Drop mouse operation is well supported.