網頁圖片拼貼軟體 - Cyotek Spriter,網頁設計輔助工具,使用它可以快速建立多圖片的貼圖集(Sprite Sheet),自動產出相對應的CSS,以及HTML檔案,也可以在不修改原始圖片的狀態下,加上圖片後製效果,例如:旋轉、重新調整大小、重新上色...等等,快速產生多種文字效果,所有項目都可以匯出獨立或合成的貼圖。(阿榮)
下載連結→ https://www.azofreeware.com/p/cyotek-spriter.html
官方網站:Cyotek Ltd.
系統需求:Windows、.NET Framework 3.5
Cyotek Spriter is a free application for creating sprite sheets and individual sprite graphics. Use Spriter to create a single sprite sheet from multiple image sources, generate appropriate CSS classes via an easy to use template system. If you have existing sprite graphics, apply post process effects such as rotation, resizing or recolouring without touching the original image. Generate text effects on the fly in a variety of styles including outlining or glowing. Then when you're done, export everything either into individual sprites, or composite sprite sheets.