自動隱藏滑鼠游標 - AutoHideMouseCursor,或許是礙眼,或許是擋住視線,你會想要讓滑鼠游標自動暫時隱藏,這個小軟體可以設定1~100秒的時間,當滑鼠沒有任何動作時自動隱藏游標,一旦移動滑鼠就會再讓游標自動出現。(阿榮)
下載連結→ https://www.azofreeware.com/p/autohidemousecursor.html
官方網站:Nenad Hrg
關鍵字:AutoHideMouseCursorPortable, Auto Hide Mouse Cursor
Automatically hide the mouse cursor with an adjustable timer, it is the right desktop tool when the cursor is too annoying to them, such as when working with word processing programs because often when you enter the text cursor is in the way and obscures the text.