容易上手的純文字編輯軟體 - Text Editor Pro(舊稱:EditBone),支援各種程式語言及指令碼的語法色彩標示,數量眾多的自訂選項、面板,內建萬國碼字元對應表、數值單位轉換工具,備有SQL formatter外掛,還有超強搜尋功能,可以同時設定多文字、多檔案遮罩、多資料夾來執行搜尋。(阿榮)
下載連結→ https://www.azofreeware.com/p/text-editor-pro.html
官方網站:Lasse Markus Rautiainen
關鍵字:Edit Bone, EditBonePortable
Powerful text editing tool with syntax highlighting support for programming languages and scripts, multi-caret and synchronized editing, code/text folding, over 100 options for customizing, over 100 ready made skins, character map, numerical unit convert tool, text compare, JSON/SQL/XML formatter, and support for multiple directories and search results.