免費中文影片播放軟體 - Macgo Free Media Player,支援常見的影音格式播放,包含:VCD/DVD影片光碟、MKV、MOV、AVI、FLV、WMV、MP4、MPEG、RMVB、MP3、WMA等主要多媒體格式,支援DTS5.1聲道音訊,可以直接輸出DVD或其他影片的HD高畫質,甚至支援1080P HD及4K UHD超高畫質影片,完全支援內建字幕或外部字幕(SRT、SSA、SUB)播放,付費版支援藍光光碟播放。(阿榮)(下載)
官方網站:Macgo International Limited
系統需求:Windows 10/8.x/7/Vista/XP(32及64位元)
Macgo Free Media Player - All-powerful totally free media player for Windows. Free offer super movie experience for DVD and any other media formats without losses on PC, such as MP4, MOV, MKV, AVI, RMVB, WMA, FLAC, M4V, MPG etc. It can also support the 1080P and 4K HD videos with high quality on Windows. With comprehensive features of multi-media playback, Free Media Player software can provide the ability to enjoy a truly immersive movie audio-visual in the digital audio Dolby and DTS.
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