SD卡相機記憶卡數位照片還原軟體 - Card Recovery Pro,簡單易用的記憶卡還原軟體,只需簡單幾個步驟,就可以有效還原被誤刪、格式化、損壞的照片或影音檔,具有針對多種品牌數位相機所設計的選項,支援USB隨身碟及以下記憶卡:SD、MicroSD、SDHC、miniSD、MMC、各式數位相機記憶卡、各式智慧型手機記憶卡,還支援不常見的相機特殊檔案格式:RAW、SR2、ARW、SRF、NEF、NRW、CR2、CRW...等等。(阿榮)
下載連結→ https://www.azofreeware.com/p/cardrecoverypro.html
官方網站:LionSea Software
關鍵字:Card Recovery Pro
Professional SD Card Recovery Software Recover Lost or Deleted Photos in 3 Steps. CardRecoveryPro is easy-to-use card recovery software. The software can effectively recover deleted or lost photos, music, video, and multimedia files from almost all digital cards after disasters like erroneous deletion, corruption or formatting errors, etc. Using CardRecoveryPro is safe and risk-free. The software performs read- only operations on your memory card. It doesn't move, delete, or modify the data on the card to avoid causing further damage or overwriting the source. It recovers photos, music, video, and multimedia files from the source memory card and saves them to the destination location you specify in just a few steps. Simple procedure! Amazing effect!
Supported Card and Storages:
- SD Card(Secure Digital card), MicroSD (TransFlash), SDHC, miniSD card
- MMC card MultiMedia card
- CF card , Compact Flash card, CF Type I, Type II, MicroDrive
- Memory Stick, Memory Stick Pro, Duo, Pro-HG, XC, Micro(M2)
- SmartMedia, flash card recovery
- xD Picture card recovery
- Mobile phone memory card , Cellular phone, digital media recovery
- USB flash drive and digital image recovery