把記憶體模擬成硬碟 - RAMDisk,最主要的訴求是「加速」,它利用記憶體反應比硬碟快的原理來實現軟體加速,你可以試著把可攜式的軟體、瀏覽器、資料庫、軟體快取、遊戲、繪圖軟體、編譯器...等等,需要講求效能及速度的軟體塞進去它所產生的虛擬硬碟,就可以感受到加速的效果!(阿榮)
下載連結→ https://www.azofreeware.com/p/ramdisk.html
關鍵字:Dataram RAMDisk
[2011.10.12] 免費版限制最大可以產生4GB的虛擬硬碟,要解除這個限制則需付費。
[2011.10.14] 不支援Windows XP 32位元只支援3.25GB的剩餘空間利用!Can RAMDisk use memory not available or seen by 32-bit Windows? Dataram RAMDisk cannot make use of memory that is not available in 32-bit Windows systems between 3 and 4 GB. RAMDisk can use memory not "seen" by 32-bit Windows ABOVE 4 GB, i.e. 6 or 8 GB.
[2015.07.31] 4.4.0.RC34版起支援Windows 10。
RAMDisk is Freeware (up to 4GB disk size). It creates a virtual RAM drive, or block of memory, which your computer treats as if it were a disk drive. By storing files and programs into memory, you can speed up internet load times and disk-to-disk activities, accelerate databases and reduce compile times. Save and load features allow RAMDisk to appear as persistent storage, even through reboots.