Rootkit是用來把木馬、後門、鍵盤側錄程式隱藏起來的工具,如果電腦曾中過木馬,不妨再用這套免費程式手動掃看看有沒有藏有Rootkit,適用於Windows 2000、XP、Vista。(阿榮)(下載)
AVG Anti-Rootkit is a powerful tool with state-of-the-art technology for detection and removal of rootkits. Rootkits are used to hide the presence of a malicious object like trojans or keyloggers on your computer. If a threat uses rootkit technology to hide itself it is very hard to find the malware on your PC. AVG Anti-Rootkit gives you the power to find and delete the rootkit and to uncover the threat the rootkit is hiding.
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