[迷你種子] uTorrent 免安裝中文版 - 最受歡迎BT下載工具
uTorrent - BT下載工具,技術成熟的軟體,優於BitComet或其他同類型軟體,不僅有中文介面,也支援中文及萬國碼(Unicode)檔名的種子,也有上傳及下載的限速功能,可以方便地從工作列的程式圖示上方按滑鼠右鍵來設定速限,麻雀雖小五藏俱全,極力推薦!(阿榮)
下載連結→ https://www.azofreeware.com/p/utorrent.html
官方網站:BitTorrent, Inc.
關鍵字:utorrent, utorrent portable, uTorrentPortable
[2007.04.06] μTorrent 1.7 beta 1065 版起新增對於 Vista 的支援!
[2007.11.21] WebUI 支援 IE7!
[2008.08.20] 1.8 版卡瀏覽網頁的頻寬卡得很嚴重,建議使用 1.7 版。
[2008.08.29] 更新 1.8 之 WebUI 為最新 0.350 版。
[2008.09.02] 更新 1.8 之 WebUI 為最新 0.360 版。
[2008.09.15] 測試 Beta 版,已不會卡瀏覽網頁的頻寬。
[2009.09.01] 首度釋出阿榮版。
[2013.08.07] 發現PortableApps.com釋出的可攜版無法沿用舊設定檔,且資料夾一經移動舊必須重新設定,因此改回舊的阿榮版。
[2015.03.30] 感謝「阿泓」通知改版訊息。
uTorrent Portable is an easy to use, yet feature packed BitTorrent client, that enables you to download and manage .torrent files from the web. It features global and per-torrent speed limiting, simultaneous downloads, RSS auto-downloading, built-in scheduler, support for Mainline DHT and more. The interface organizes downloads by their status and a tabbed detail pane allows you to monitor download speeds, peers and other details of the active download(s). uTorrent bundles a ton of advanced features into a compact and clean interface that does not require much technical expertise to master. It can be associated with .torrent files and automatically take over whenever you open a torrent. Other features include skin support, file management, proxy support, UPnP port mapping and more. Standalone, no install required.
What do all the status icons mean?
means the torrent is downloading
means the torrent is downloading, but there is a tracker error
means the torrent is seeding
means the torrent is seeding, but there is a tracker error
means the torrent is a queued download
means the torrent is a queued seed
means the torrent is a stopped download
means the torrent is a stopped seed
means the torrent is paused
means the torrent has an error (check the status column)
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