System Spec – 免安裝且單一執行檔的電腦配備偵測軟體,簡單按一下工具列的圖示,就可以馬上秀出你要的系統資訊,簡單明暸、精簡好用!比起那些剛開始免費,騙到全世界的人義務幫他們測試、作完多國語系後,又改口要收費或將整套程式賣人的所謂好用程式來得好多了!相信常常用此類軟體的朋友就能體會阿榮所說的了!(阿榮)
下載連結→ https://www.azofreeware.com/p/system-spec.html
官方網站:Alex Nolan
關鍵字:systemspec, SystemSpecPortable
A utility to produce a specification of your system's hardware and software.
With System Spec you can see, save and print a complete spec of your PC. This no-install, system information utility can also perform various windows functions. Additional advanced info includes CPU, drives, applications, display, memory, networking, internet, CD / DVD drives and more.