RSS閱讀工具 - SharpReader,可以將RSS下載後離線閱讀,RSS閱讀工具雖然不斷有新軟體、新的網頁閱讀介面出來,不過,直到目前為止,因為它對中文的RSS支援度高、介面設計簡潔有力、加上超實用的Filter過濾搜尋功能,還是無可取代的RSS閱讀軟體首選!(阿榮)(下載)
官方網站:Luke Hutteman
關鍵字:Sharp Reader
[2009.02.20] 可惜他的設定不是可攜的,是儲存於「C:\Documents and Settings\Administrator\Application Data\SharpReader」。
SharpReader is an RSS/Atom Aggregator for Windows, created by Luke Hutteman.
* Handles all RSS versions, ATOM 0.3 and 1.0, modules like dublin core, content:encoding, xhtml:body, etc.
* Advanced threading support allowing you to view connected items together in a threaded fashion. SharpReader detects and shows connections between items if they have same link, if one item links to another, if two items both link to the same external webpage, or if an item has comments (for feeds supporting the standard).
* Group subscribed feeds into custom categories.
* Feed settings like refresh-rate and purge timeout can be set per feed or per category. Category-wide settings apply to all feeds in that category that are still set to "Default" for the setting in question.
* Dialog-less way of subscribing to new feeds - just drag a link from your browser into SharpReader, or enter the url into the address-bar at the top.
* Feedster integration to easily search weblogs and newssites for specific terms, and even subscribe to such a search to be notified of new results.
* Support for proxy-servers and proxy authentication.
* Reduces bandwidth by using HTTP Conditional GETs and gzip/deflate encoding.
* Minimizes to the system-tray.
* Systray popup when new items arrive (can be disabled on a per-feed or per-category basis through the properties pane).
* Easy keyboard navigation to go the next or previous unread item.
* Import and export your subscriptions using OPML.
* Filter items.
* International Character-set support.
* HTTP Authentication support.
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