
OP Auto Clicker 3.0 免安裝版 - 免費電腦滑鼠自動點擊軟體

OP Auto Clicker
OP Auto Clicker
免費電腦滑鼠自動點擊軟體 - OP Auto Clicker(又名:AutoClicker),有兩種自動點擊模式,目前位置或是指定位置,可以設定重複點擊的間隔時間、滑鼠左/中/右鍵、單次或雙次點擊、設定重複的次數(或無限次),可以設定開始及停止執行的快速鍵。另外,也有錄製模式,可以重複執行錄製的動作。(阿榮福利味

下載連結→ https://www.azofreeware.com/p/op-auto-clicker.html

官方網站:OP Auto Clicker
關鍵字:OPAutoClicker, OPAutoClickerPortable

A full-fledged autoclicker with two modes of autoclicking, at your dynamic cursor location or at a prespecified location. The maximum amounts of clicked can also be set (or left as infinite).
- Choose whether to follow your cursor or click at a fixed spot
- Set the amount of times to click (or unlimited)
- Choose between which mouse button to click as
- Pick between single clicking, double clicking or triple clicking
- Change the hotkeys
- Convenient - Hotkeys work while application is in background
- Settings are saved (includes last fixed location)
- Free and Open Source
- Clean User Interface
- Low CPU usage
- Portable
- No advertisements or malware
- Virus Free (The amount of autoclickers with viruses out there are uncountable)