
Anytxt Searcher 1.3.1380 - 快速搜尋檔案文字內容的軟體

快速搜尋檔案文字內容的軟體 - AnyTXT Searcher,強大的檔案、文字、全文搜尋引擎工具,就像一個Google搜尋引擎,且比Windows搜尋、Windows findstr命令快許多,具備厲害的文件分析引擎,無需安裝任何其他軟體,輸入想要搜尋的關鍵字後,即可迅速讀取出電腦檔案中所有包含該關鍵字的檔案,增強版支援OCR功能,可以搜尋任何圖片中的文字。(阿榮福利味

下載連結→ https://www.azofreeware.com/p/anytxt-searcher.html

官方網站:CBEWIN Tech Co., Ltd.

AnyTXT Searcher has a powerful document parsing engine, which extracts the text of commonly used documents without installing any other software, and combines the built-in high-speed indexing system to store the text’s metadata. You can quickly find any words on your computer with Anytxt.
Formats Supported:
- Plain Text Format (txt, java, html, etc.)
- Microsoft Outlook (eml) (beta)
- Microsoft Word (doc, docx)
- Microsoft Excel (xls, xlsx)
- Microsoft PowerPoint (ppt, pptx)
- Portable Document Format, including scanned PDF Document (pdf)
- Microsoft OneNote (one)
- eBook Formats (mobi, epub, azw, djvu, LaTex, etc.)
- Microsoft Compiled HTML Help (chm)
- WPS Format (wps, et, dps)
- Amazon Kindle Format (azw, azw3)
- Mind Map Format (lighten, mmap, emmx, mm, xmind etc.)
- Open Fixed-layout Document Format (ofd)
- WizNote (ziw)
- Edraw Max (eddx)
- OCR. Text In Any Image (png, jpg, bmp, scanned pdf etc.)
- Binary File (exe, dll, so)