
WinMouse 1.0 免安裝版 - 滑鼠設定值修改軟體

滑鼠設定值修改軟體 - WinMouse,可以讓你修改重要的滑鼠設定值,例如:螢幕上的游標移動速度、啟用加速、聲納效果功能(按住Ctrl鍵時出現)、變更滑鼠點兩下的速度及範圍、變更滑鼠滾輪滾動後的捲動行數、交換滑鼠左右鍵的功能,還有特殊的螢幕環繞(ScreenWrap)功能,當滑鼠移到螢幕邊緣時,會自動移到對面的另一邊,方便筆記型電腦觸控版的使用者移動滑鼠。(阿榮)(下載

官方網站:Jacek Pazera
系統需求:Windows 10/8.x/7/Vista/XP(32及64位元)
關鍵字:Win Mouse, WinMousePortable

WinMouse is a program that allows you to change the most important mouse settings, such as cursor speed on the screen, enable acceleration, Sonar function, change the speed and size of the double-click area, change the number of lines to scroll after turning the mouse wheel, swap the primary and secondary mouse buttons and other. The program has a built-in ScreenWrap function: when the mouse cursor reaches the edge of the screen, it will be automatically moved to the opposite edge along a perpendicular or diagonal line. This feature makes it easier to use the touch pad on notebooks.

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