
Ashampoo WinOptimizer 26.00.11 中文版 - 電腦最佳化軟體

Ashampoo WinOptimizer
Ashampoo WinOptimizer
電腦加速軟體 - Ashampoo WinOptimizer,內建一系列的電腦優化小工具,有電腦軟硬體資訊顯示(可產出HTML報表)、硬碟重組及清理、硬碟健康狀態檢測(HDD檢查員)、登錄檔清理及最佳化、系統服務管理、檔案永久刪除/加密/分割、刪除個人隱私記錄...等功能,還有一鍵最佳化及自動排程的自動化執行功能。(阿榮福利味

下載連結→ https://www.azofreeware.com/p/ashampoo-winoptimizer.html

關鍵字:阿香婆, AshampooWinOptimizer, Ashampoo WinOptimizer 2022

Ashampoo WinOptimizer - the tuning specialist for your PC. We all like fast and secure computers, but only constant system maintenance and time-consuming optimizations will keep them that way. Those of us who like to invest time and effort to keep up with the latest developments may very well handle those tasks using default Windows tools alone. As system experts, they love to accelerate their machines, protect their privacy, clean and backup system files, fix common Windows errors any perform many other tasks. This not only sounds like a lot of work, it is! WinOptimizer will do the work for you, easy, fast and efficiently. It will give you maximum performance and security and save you precious time so you can get real work done instead.

Ashampoo WinOptimizer