
Install Creator - 軟體安裝程式製作工具

Install Creator
Install Creator
Install Creator is simply the easiest installation distribution tool in existence. Spend your time developing your creations not building the installers. Download the fully functional freeware version of Install Creator and create your first installation in less than one minute! Then you decide which way is better!
Free, you read it right! A complete version of Install Creator with unlimited rights to produce installers for both commercial and non commercial products. Each installer will contain an advertisement page for Clickteam when the installation is complete, with a button to connect to our web site.... And that final advertisement is all we ask. There are absolutely no limitations in the functionality, and none of those annoying "nag screens" in the software.(下載

SharpReader 免安裝版 - RSS閱讀軟體

RSS閱讀工具 - SharpReader,可以將RSS下載後離線閱讀,RSS閱讀工具雖然不斷有新軟體、新的網頁閱讀介面出來,不過,直到目前為止,因為它對中文的RSS支援度高、介面設計簡潔有力、加上超實用的Filter過濾搜尋功能,還是無可取代的RSS閱讀軟體首選!(阿榮)(下載