
ProVide 14.52.1 - 功能完整的FTP Server

ProVide Server
ProVide (舊稱:zFTPServer Suite) - 功能完整的FTP Server,支援IPv6、AD整合、UTF-8、被動模式(Passive mode)、使用者即可繼承的群組權限管理(Users & inheritable group rights)、遠端管理(Remote administration),還有遠端管理加密、自動更新、指令碼(Scripting)、FTPS、TFTP、SFTP、虛擬使用者(Virtual users)、HTTPS...等功能。(阿榮福利味

下載連結→ https://www.azofreeware.com/p/provide.html

官方網站:Farsight Tech Nordic AB
關鍵字:ProVide Server, zFTPServer Suite

ProVide is a user-friendly solution to safely and securely provide files and documents to/from businesses and consumers. Our solutions are developed to have a small resource footprint and makes it possible to provide large files without any hassle.

We offer a variety of licenses, both for business and private use. But what makes us unique? The answer is our ability to manage all types of protocols; FTP, FTPS, SFTP, TFTP, HTTP, HTTPS and WebDAV. The fact that we combine them with smart features such as virtual users makes us a one-of-a-kind solution, that people can actually use.